Lion Cubs


Dear Lion Cub Parents,

February has been a month of special days and celebrations along with many learning opportunities.

We started off the month learning about shadows. We used a ground hog and cloud cut out and a flashlight to discover how the sun can cast a shadow. The children saw how the cloud can block the sun and the shadow disappeared. We had a great time experimenting to make different shapes and animal shadows with our hands. It was great fun.

Valentine’s week we had some fun and practiced our math skills with a Valentine theme. We mailed our Valentines, played some games, did an art project, and had a special snack.

The 100th day of school was a culmination of the counting and math lessons we have been learning. Each day we count, we keep track of the school days on our bulletin board and have even learned to count by tens. On the 100th day we counted the numbers on our 100 chart and strung a necklace of 100 beads in a pattern. We shared our number 100 project with the student body in the church reciting a poem about our 100 glasses and counted by tens to one hundred for them. The children were thrilled to pick out some candies from the elementary display of 100 candies each!

This past month we have been studying winter weather and animals. We have learned how animals survive in the winter and concepts such as hibernation, animal body coverings, habitats, and how animals protect themselves.

We have been learning about trees. Each child has been able to label the parts of the tree and we have read about the life cycle of a tree. We went on a few walks in the neighborhood to observe and talk about the trees we have discussed.

The children have learned letters O, P, Q, and R. They sing alphabet songs, do a letter chant, and listen to Alpha-tales stories each week. We read alphabet books from a series that is entertaining and emphasizes and expands the children’s vocabulary and knowledge.

We read books with opposites and practiced the concept with a game on our pocket chart. The children learned to read the word “on” and made a book with repetitive text that they practiced reading. I was amazed at how well they did.

We enjoyed learning about the planets and our solar system. Each child made a map of the solar system, and the class learned the song “I Know the Planets, How about You?”.

This month we will learn the letters S, T, and U. During the weeks of March 10th and 17th we will celebrate our diversity with a multicultural theme. We will send out a questionnaire for each family and ask that you bring in items of clothing, cooking utensils, foods, etc. from your culture.

Friday, March 14th is a Student/Teacher holiday so mark your calendars.

On Friday, March 21st, there is a parent club meeting. There will be performances from each class. All parents are welcome to attend. The children should be at school at 6:45 and the meeting will begin right at 7 pm. Please bring your child to the classroom and then find a seat in the church. Children’s projects will be on display and there will be refreshments served after the meeting.

I have been having a wonderful time with this class! I appreciate all you do to support their learning and the school!

We will be attending the Parent Club meeting on Friday, March 1st.

Yes __________ No ___________

Name ____________________________________________

Child’s name ______________________________________

Please return this form to let us know who will be at the performance.

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