


Monday, January 6, 2025

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

I hope you had a blessed holiday season and enjoyed your time with your family. We are now in the second half of the school year, and you will notice that we will pick up the pace and challenge the students as we prepare them for our first-grade program. This is the time of year we typically expect to see a leap in academic and social/emotional abilities. Please pay close attention to the work your child brings home as this is the best way for you to monitor their progress. My notations on worksheets should clue you into areas your child may need extra support in.


Homework was returned today, and we will resume homework check tomorrow morning. Please make sure your child is reading a minimum of three times each night with an adult and that someone is going over comprehension questions with them.


Spelling lists were sent home today, and our test will be this Friday. During January, spelling words will be a review of past words in preparation for our spell-a-thon test.


The kindergarteners will begin spelling handwriting homework this week. This homework will be sent home on Tuesdays and is due the following morning. Instructions will be attached to the first week’s homework. Please be present when your child completes this task to encourage proper letter formation and high-quality work.


Emergency cards were sent home today in your child’s newsletter envelope. Please make any changes necessary and return them as soon as possible.


New crayons and markers were due today. If you have not done so already, send these in ASAP.


Sharing resumes this week. Please send me a dojo if you have forgotten your child’s day.

Happy New Year!

Mrs. Adza







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